A Day in the Life of Shpock Seller

Selling on Shpock is very simple and quick to use. Shpock is one of the UK’s most popular shopping apps, with regular #1 rankings in the Google Play and Apple App stores in the UK, Germany and Austria Currently used by millions across the UK. Shpock is an online and mobile marketplace that provides users with a wealth of categories from which to buy and sell items secondhand. Shpock is very simple and quick to navigate, plus with zero fees it’s often cheaper than its rivals. If you’re looking for alternatives to marketplace giants such as eBay, it’s worth giving Shpock a shot.

Like many of us, we have a lot of items around the house that we’d like to clear out and potentially sell. However, finding the time to sell your items can sometimes turn out to be more difficult when you have a full-time job to worry about. 

Luckily, we spoke to Julie, a successful seller on Shpock for many years whilst also multitasking with a full-time job as Director of Business Development. 

Julie has been kind enough to supply us with a range of exciting tips for selling on Shpock. 


An Interview With an Avid Seller 


Hi Julie, thanks for taking the time out of your business schedule to answer some questions for us. You’ve mastered the art of selling on Shpock and fitting this in around a full-time job, what advice would you give to new sellers looking to do the same? 


"You have to look at selling on marketplaces as a side hustle. Look at it like a spring clean: I empty my wardrobe twice a year, normally before the start of a new season. If I haven’t worn the item in 12 months, chances are, I’m not going to, so it’s got to go! Just sift through your items and decide on what needs a new home! 

If you want to earn some extra money, you'll want to invest a certain amount of time in getting it right! The ongoing Covid situation and lockdowns means that we haven’t been able to mooch around trying things on, so think about what your potential customer wants to see, imagery is so important!”



Buyers can sometimes find it hard to see themselves wearing a particular item. What tips would you give to sellers to overcome this? 


"This is definitely one I struggle with; you never quite know how it’s going to look. So, for this, I would recommend having a clear image of what the item is and give a clear description. You may want to let people know how the item fits you, whilst giving measurements of the item not just sizing. 

All sizes are different after all! It could also be beneficial you are sharing pictures of you wearing the item, but if not this, then certainly a clear image of the item you’re trying to sell."



Portraying your items accurately on Shock is important so that customers can see the condition they’re in. Would you say photography is important when selling on Shpock? 


"100%. Imagery is so important and that’s where a lot of marketplace sellers go wrong. It needs to catch someone’s eye, especially whilst they’re scrolling through quickly. Simple things like placing the item in front of a funky or plain background, hanging it on the hanger or getting creative and have a modelling session with a friend over snapping you on the catwalk can all help to get your listing to stand out.”



Delivery costs can often make or break to potential buyers. How do you try and keep delivery costs to a minimum? 

"When you are selling a secondhand item you have to be savvy and economical with the postage. I make sure that my delivery cost doesn’t eat into the cost of the item so when I price my clothes, I’ll view the delivery cost as separate. 

Shpock makes it easier to work out how to price items in terms of the size of the parcel. Parcelforce, Hermes and Royal Mail delivery services are all now available on Shpock and all super simple to use. 

What I particularly like about Shpock is that it sends an email to me and my buyer through the delivery process and most of the information is pre-populated, plus the costs of delivery are very low, even for items over 1kg. "



Things to Note Before Selling 

One final question Julie. As a successful seller on Shpock, do you have any tips for our viewers on how to prepare before selling on Shpock?


"I think for any new Shpock seller it’s important to follow a few steps: 


  1. Plan what you want to clear out - this can take some time but it’s certainly a good place to start.


  1. Bundle similar items together for ease - I usually bundle the same branded items together. 


  1. Search top-selling items - this can be really helpful when you are clearing out your items to see what is popular to sell.


  1. Understand Shpock delivery - I make sure that my delivery cost doesn’t eat into the cost of the item so when I price my clothes, I’ll view the delivery cost as separate. 


These steps have helped me prepare for selling on Shpock and have saved me a lot of time!"


Thanks for answering our questions Julie, you’ve really helped us understand what it’s like to step into a Shpock seller’s shoes for the day!





As the majority of the population is still working from home, do you ever find you have some free time in your lunch hour to start clearing out old items? I know we do. Once you start clearing out your items, you’ll be able to devise a plan to start selling successfully. 

So, although the working week may seem like you’ve never got time to get round to selling items secondhand but with 20 minutes here and there, staying organised and knowing what you want to list, you’ll be a Shpock pro in no time all.

If you are looking to keep your Shpock delivery costs down, Parcel2Go has already negotiated the cheapest postage prices in the UK, just for you. See how much you could save when you sell on Shpock by getting a quick quote today! 



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