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DHL Tracking

You can track your DHL parcel delivery and find your item's current whereabouts with the quick and simple tracking tool.
Can't find your P2G tracking reference? Entering your courier specific tracking reference will also work. You can find these on your confirmation e-mail sent at the time of booking.

DHL Tracking

Track your DHL Parcel with Parcel2Go

DHL UK is one of the most well-known and trusted courier brands in the world. By using the DHL service you’ll have the opportunity to send a parcel to over 220 countries. DHL UK is striving to be the number one logistics company in the world, offering an extensive range of express delivery solutions that are consistently focused on its customers.

When you book with a DHL courier you just need to enter your DHL tracking number into the search bar above and you’ll be updated on your parcel’s delivery status every step of the way. We’ll let you know where your DHL parcel is in a five-stage process:

  1. Collected

  2. In Transit

  3. At Delivery Depot 

  4. Out for Delivery

  5. Delivered

Whether you are using DHL shipping within the UK, to Europe, or the rest of the world, you will be able to track your cheap DHL delivery from the point where it’s collected or dropped off to when it gets to its final destination.

With DHL UK, tracking has never been easier than with Parcel2Go’s parcel tracking tool.

DHL delivery van parked in street

Perks of Booking with Parcel2Go