Who will be delivering my parcel?

When you book through Parcel2Go, the person that delivers your parcel will be an employee or sub-contractor of the courier whose services you selected. 

For example, if you booked a DPD service, an employee or sub-contractor of DPD will collect your parcel and deliver it to the given destination.

Services with multiple couriers

Where possible, the courier that collects your parcel will deliver it in the destination country. 

However, some of our services have delivery partners within the destination country who are often established postal services such as LaPoste (France) or Correos (Spain).

Therefore, if you’ve booked an overseas service, your parcel could be handled by two or more different couriers from different companies. Parcelforce, for example, will often take a parcel to a specified country and hand it over to a local courier service, who will then complete the delivery. 

There are also ‘concatenated’ services — such as 'Landmark' and 'USPS via OCS' — that use two sets of local couriers to handle the delivery process on land, and another service that handles air transit.

Parcel2Go employees

It’s worth noting that your parcels are not delivered by Parcel2Go employees. Parcel2Go is a delivery comparison site, which means that our job is to provide customers with the opportunity to book with an existing courier for a cheaper price. 

Our staff do not deliver your parcels themselves, though they do communicate with the couriers that handle your items on your behalf.

Keep track of who’s delivering your parcel

You can find information about who’s delivering your parcel and where it is on each step of the way by using our parcel tracking feature. Simply enter your P2G reference number into the tracking tool below to get started.

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