To make a price match claim, use the form on this page to let us know the:
Exact delivery service you’ve used and who the comparable quote was with
Size, weight and contents of your parcel
Destination of your parcel
Or if you’ve sent multiple parcels with a service that you’ve found cheaper elsewhere, email us on As long as your claim is made within 7 days of booking your parcel delivery, we’ll be in touch within 24 hours, Monday - Friday!
At Parcel2Go, we pride ourselves on providing the cheapest postage costs in the UK. So if you get a price on a comparable service elsewhere, our price promise to you means we will match it!
Offering the best delivery prices and free tracking on all our services means you can be sure you're never undersold when you book a parcel delivery with us. We check hundreds of prices daily to make sure we won't be beaten on price.
Get a quote today to compare the delivery services and let our Lowest Price Guarantee give you extra peace of mind that you'll always save money with Parcel2Go.
To make a price match claim, use the form on this page to let us know the following:
We will price match most comparable services within the UK and around the world, but there are a few T&Cs you should know about before submitting your claim.
Our Lowest Price Guarantee cannot be used in conjunction with any other Parcel2Go promotion, discount or coupon
Our Lowest Price Guarantee is available on delivery only services and does not include parcel protection
All price matches will be paid by refunding the difference
Parcel2Go reserves the right to accept or reject any price match claims
We cannot price match if:
Your parcel isn’t between 1KG and 30KG
You have no proof of the competitor price and service provided, such as a timestamped screenshot or website link
The delivery price or service offered is now unavailable
The price quoted is not comparable, for example if one service offers 4 day delivery while the other is 2 day delivery
If the claim is made 7 days after the parcel has been purchased
You ask for a refund that is not on a like for like basis - for example, if you used Evri ParcelShop, we will only match it if the price was more than our Evri ParcelShop price (not any similar Evri service)
The claim is a contracted price with a courier
The comparable price quoted is due to an offer that is a one-off or limited promotion e.g. site-wide money off or promotional discount